4 Hacks to Stop Anxiety In Its Tracks

If anxiety is holding you back, this quick 5 min video is for you.

While not all anxiety is bad (discomfort can provide useful information, after all), it can hold you back and get in the way of your goals. So next time you feel anxious, ask yourself:

  • Is this anxiety trying to tell me something important? (“Run, b$tch! This situation is no bueno!”)

  • Or is it pulling me away from my goals? (“Taking risks suuuucks. Let’s just curl up in a ball and stay inside our comfort zone, shall we?”)

If you sense it’s the latter, just follow these 4 simple steps to stop anxiety in its tracks so you on with the ever-important task of livin’ ya best life.

The 5 Simple Steps that Guarantee Success

The next 3 minutes might just change your life…

Tune in as l share all the time-tested secrets to success that’ll give you the confidence and courage to smash your goals and get where you wanna go. Whatever you want to do with your life, these are the 5 simple steps to unstoppable success.

And before you assume you’ve “heard it all before,” trust me: you’ve never heard advice like this before.

Here's how the whole "manifesting" thing actually works

Ok, real talk? I have some mixed emotions about the idea of “manifesting.”

I know the whole “law of attraction” thing is basically a religion for some folks, and I have no doubt this video will likely land a few strongly worded emails in my inbox. Even so, here it is: my no-holds-barred, honest opinion about all things manifest, beginning with the book that started it all, “The Secret.”

This episode's a long one, but if you can stick with it, there's a lot in store, including what's actually happening when you "manifest,” why some people are more naturally positive than others, and, lastly, how to attract love, success, and good stuff into your life (hint: it has less to do with "the Universe" and more to do with "channeling your attention").

Is this the *cheat code* for feeling happy?

This ridiculously simple happiness hack releases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins instantly.

For many of us, happiness doesn’t always come all that easily. We fuss and we grind, spending outrageous amounts of time, energy, and money trying to make ourselves happier. We buy sports cars and run marathons, but, at the end of the day, happiness - or any positive emotion for that matter - may actually be much more accessible (and a hell of a lot less expensive) than we might think.

Thich Nhat Hanh once noted that "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." Could happiness be a lot easier than we’re making it?

The Surprising Truth About Getting Motivated

When we talk about self-improvement, what we're usually talking about is motivation and self-discipline.

We all know we can benefit from more exercise, less processed food, blah blah blah. So why don't we do it? Why does it feel so hard to put on our proverbial running shoes when we know it's so good for us?

Nearly every one of my clients describes themselves as "lazy" at one point or another (even the CEOs, Broadway performers, and top dollar attorneys.)

So let's get one thing clear: I can almost guarantee you're not lazy, you've just fallen into a classic trap of misunderstood motivation.

Here's the Biggest Mistake Dieters Make

Diets don’t work. (Sorry.) 80% of people who go on a diet will gain the weight back in less than a year, and, in all but 15% of those cases, will end up even heavier.

What’s goin’ on here?

When all is said and done, healthy living is as much a psychological process as it is a physical one (I’d argue even more so), and to neglect the emotional elephants in the room is to kiss your healthy goals goodbye…

I say it’s high time we rethink our approach.